Thursday, February 10, 2005

tower records

Just in case you hadn't already heard, Hell's House Band has been tentatively scheduled to play at Tower Records in Sacramento on March 17th. (The date is not entirely set in stone, but I'll let you know what I hear as I hear it.) Here is the excerpt from the most recent Hard Soul Newsletter:

Hell’s House Band - As soon as is possible we’ll confirm the HHB Bay-Area tour. I do know that Tower Records are hoping that it’ll start at their Sacramento store on Thursday March 17th, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.

I also heard a rumor that they might make an appearance at Ameoba Music in San Fran shortly after the gig in Sac, but nothing official has been confirmed yet that I know of.

On a different note, I'd like to open up the table to invite anyone interested to share stories about anyone regarding Mark or Hell's House Band. If you have a story about a show you saw back in the day or maybe you grew up with Mark or somebody in the band, please feel free to share your stories on this page. I've heard from both Shaun Mitchell, drummer for HHB, and his sister. I'm sure that both of them must have stories to share. I'd love to hear from fans, too. Also, are there any European fans out there? I"ve seen a couple of postings to the Yahoo Mark Curry group from France and Greece and the like.

And just because I like putting photos up, I found this one of El Hefe from HHB:

Here's one of Kenny Lyon:

I can't seem to find a photo of Shaun Mitchell, but maybe he looks like this?

Until next time....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I used to know Mark back in his Vineyard days. I actually have a great picture of the BEER tattoo. I'd send it along but it's not on my computer. I too have been searching to see if he was still making music because he is so talented despite (or perhaps because of) his alcohol drinking, rough around the edges, dirty old man tendancies. Ahhh, those were the days.

6:57 AM  

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