Thursday, July 22, 2004

this is not a sad blog

It has been two months since I created this page and I've had two emails regarding mark curry. The crux of both have been, "I loved this guy; what happened to him?" Well, Mark, where are you? Where are you playing? What's the dealie-yo?

I have found zilch in the way of leads. I've nothing but the music I've found. I heard somewhere that if you can find the band "Lonnie and the Complainers" playing somewhere that Mark usually isn't far behind. While I've found pictures of him playing at the Thuderbird Saloon in L.A., I can't find a current listing for either him or Lonnie anywhere. I tried calling the phone number blazoned across the Thunderbird's web site, but I've never had any answer. The website doesn't appear to have been updated since March of this year. Lonnie and the Complainers played there on February 5th, but where are they now? Is this some weird underground music scene? Does no one actually advertise shows on the web or is my only chance of catching a show to live in a town where I can walk by a poster stuck to a phone pole?

Has anyone heard of the Thuderbird? Been to it? Seen Mark or Lonnie and the Complainers recently?

I'm moving to the Sacramento area at the end of this month. Does anyone have any leads on Mark and the Sacramento scene? What are the chances I could find "Crystal Sphere" on vinyl in some sketchy record store? (Mark played with El Hefe in a band called "Crystal Sphere" or maybe "The Crystal Spheres" before El Hefe went to play for NOFX.)

Has anyone heard of Crystal Sphere, either? And is it just me, or is that kind of a lame name for a punk band? (Or was it even a punk band? I haven't a clue because as far as I know none of these things exist anyway!!!!!)

If anybody knows anything, please feel free to share.
